
Cryptoassets not qualifying charitable donations

November 28, 2023
Cryptoassets not qualifying charitable donations

HMRC confirmed in sections 3.4.1 and 3.13.1 of Chapter 3: Gift Aid of its guidance notes that it does not consider cryptoassets to be currency or money, so any donation of cryptoassets will not be a qualifying charitable donation and therefore not eligible for Gift Aid. HMRC's guidance says that money can be donated in […]

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2023 Autumn Statement: key business tax announcements

On Wednesday the 22nd of November, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, made his Autumn Statement speech. The Autumn Statement package sets out a number of tax measures designed to strengthen economic growth through supporting British businesses and increasing the number of people in work. The statement also announces a […]

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Collective engagement to implement the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework

On 10 November 2023 the UK and other 47 countires committed to implementing the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) and the amendments to the CRS in a joint statement. The CARF is the new international standard on automatic exchange of information between tax authorities to ensure tax compliance and clamp down on tax evasion. The jusrisdicions […]

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Russia suspends Double Taxation Agreements

Russia has suspended unilateraly all material provisions of many of its Double Taxation Agreements with 38 countries by Presidential decree dated 8 August 2023. The suspension includes the UK-Russia Convention and the treatment of dividends, interest, royalties, capital gains, business profits, employment income and pensions, together with protection against discrimination contained in it. The provision […]

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Spring 2023 Budget

Yesterday, the 15th of March 2023, the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced his first full Budget. One of the key themes was boosting economic growth and while he confirmed the 6% increase in the rate of corporation tax, he also mitigated this by replacing the capital allowances “super-deduction” with full expensing, enabling businesses to claim tax relief […]

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